Location: Rochester Hills, Michigan, United States

I love spending time with friends and family (especially my wife Rachel and daughters Abbey and Julia).

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Second Opinion

The IV is out! This morning Rachel's picc line was removed and she is now free. No more alcohol pads, flushing, IV bags, tubes, etc... While at the doctor this morning we decided to ask our Infectious Disease doctor about Rachel's vision issue. She admitted that eyes were not her specialty; however, she did not buy into everything Rachel's eye doctor told us. We decided to call our neuro-surgeon and ask him. He was able to get us an appointment tomorrow at the eye institute at Henry Ford Medical Center, which is where Rachel's surgury took place. We will start all over tomorrow with the visual field test, etc... I have a feeling that we will get better news than we received yesterday. It's amazing how doctors can disagree with each other and some can be just plain wrong about things, scary thought. Nevertheless, we are pursuing it further as Rachel is determined to get behind the wheel again. I tried to cheer her up last night by saying, "hey, if you can't drive look how much money we will save on gas with just having one car." She didn't think that was funny...but I still do. We also are unsure about the bone replacement procedure. Our Infectious Disease doctor seems to think Rachel will not actually get her bone back but get a "fake" bone plate. We also are anxious to hear about the heart procedure. On yesterday's blog I noticed a doctor from St. Louis made an encouraging comment about the heart procedure. Thank you and I hope we can get the treatment you described! By the way, thanks for all the kind comments, they mean so much to both Rachel and I. This started out as a way to get information to close friends and family as it was hard to talk to everyone on the phone; however, in some ways it has turned into a counseling session, church service and prayer group. I wish I had some of your e-mails as an old Michigan Christian College friend made a comment the other day and I would love to thank him with a return email. Thanks again for all the support. As I close the 4 things we are dealing with now are.
1) Rachel's vision and driving
2) Heart procedure (when and what)
3) Skull bone replacement (when and what)
4) Rachel's speech therapy (memory)

**Rachel wanted me to add that Abbey took 6 steps tonight, turned around and took 2 more steps in the opposite direction. She's 9 1/2 months old! Does that mean talent, skill, agility, speed??? I guess she got her dad's genes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Klint and Rachel, all these weeks I have followed your struggles and your incredible progress. Most of all I have "enjoyed" reading about how much Klint loves Rachel. Wow!!! That so many more young marriages could love each so much.

Carol Copeland

8:25 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

Klint and Rachel,

Praise the Lord that the IV is out!! As you have walked this valley, I have been challenged and encouraged by your incredible faith in our BIG God. I pray that you will continue to hold fast to the hand of the Great Physician. I cannot believe that Miss Abbey has taken her first steps! You have had such a day of victory and praise and it is well deserved. You both are being lifted up constantly! I love you.

9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us updated. We get a lot of information from Rachel's mom and dad, but it is great to hear from someone who is with her everyday. I am glad that Rachel continues to improve, and we will keep her in our prayers. We serve and awesome and powerful God and He can use any situation for good. I am encouraged by your faith, and by the example that you are to so many!

Oh yeah, and just as a side note, I GOT MY PICC LINE OUT YESTERDAY TOO! Who would have ever thought that we would offer prayers of thanksgiving that alcohol swabs and saline flushes were no longer a part of our daily lives!

Your sister in Christ,
Conni Harbison
McKnight Road Church of Christ

6:39 PM  

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