Location: Rochester Hills, Michigan, United States

I love spending time with friends and family (especially my wife Rachel and daughters Abbey and Julia).

Friday, September 29, 2006

A Tribute to the Burns Family: Connecting the Dots

*Jerry and Gloria Burns

Even though I never met him, I didn't care much for C.C. Burns growing up. Everytime I heard the name Brother C.C. Burns, I knew I had done something wrong. You see C.C. Burns was the preacher at Carpenter Rd. Church of Christ in Flint, MI where my father grew up. However, C.C. Burns was more than just a preacher to my father, he was a spiritual giant and a true mentor. Growing up, everytime my father would misbehave (which I heard was often) brother Burns would say, "Garth, in the side of your head you have a set screw and it's called your attitude...and you need to turn the set screw, which means you need to change your attitude."

So, when I was growing up I would get the same speech. "Klint, Brother Burns used to say...bla, bla, bla". I know, I know, I need to change my attitude. But over the years I have grown very fond of the Brother C.C. Burns I have never met. Because he helped shape my father's faith and played an important role in his spiritual growth. And maybe just as important, he is responsible for my Dad attending Rochester College (then Michigan Christian). He picked my Dad up years ago and drove him to the the college and said, "Garth, this is where you need to go to school." So he did, and he met my mom, had us kids and has been in ministry at the college ever since. Thanks Brother Burns.

Above is Jerry Burns and his wife Gloria. Jerry is C.C. Burns son. Jerry attended Rochester College (then North Central Christian College) when the doors first opened in 1959. He and his wife have been our honored guest this weekend as they returned to visit the college and where Jerry grew up. He spoke to our student body today in chapel and will be preaching on Sunday. They have become very special to me and my family over the past year. Throughout Rachel's illness, nobody sent me encouraging emails as frequently as Jerry. So I think it's pretty special that in 2006 I am getting to know the son of my Dad's spiritual hero.

I love Mitch Albums' book, "The Five People You Meet In Heaven." The reason I'm so fond of it is because it speaks of the importance of relationships and how each life effects another. Today dots were connected in my life and I realize even more how all of our stories so easily blend into one. I'm grateful for the Burns family and what they have meant to me and my family.

Rachel, Abbey and I went out shopping tonight for Halloween costumes and believe it or not Abbey started to get a little fusy. So I decided to pass Brother Burns legacy on as I said, "Abbey you have a set screw in the side of your head..."

It's been such a blessing getting to know Jerry. And today...dots have been connected.


Blogger Bradford L. Stevens said...

Thank the Lord for the legacy of faith that you inherited from your parents. If you start to sound like your dad, we will all rejoice!

8:45 AM  

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