Rachel's Heart
As promised, more info.
Rachel has a tiny hole (actually it is a flap) in her heart. Our neuro-surgeon thinks the infection (strep) in Rachel's blood leaked through this tiny hole and instead of being filtered out in the pulmonary system, traveled directly to her brain and started to grow. This "flap" only opens when the pressure in the heart changes (i.e. coughing, straining, etc...). So the fact that this infection traveled through this "flap" is extremely rare. The odds are 1 in millions this would happen...but it did, according to our neuro-surgeon. So he wants this "flap" closed. The "flap" can be closed with minimal invasiveness by going through her leg with a catheter.
Our cardiologist (who would actually would do the procedure) does not think it is necessary. He states that we are only guessing that the infection traveled to her brain through this "flap," and he only likes to work with facts. If Rachel got the infection from the dentist than the infection could have traveled right to her brain from the mouth, so the "flap" is irrelevant. Also, Rachel has probably had infections in her blood before and they have never gotten to her brain. He thinks that the chances of this happening again are so rare that the risks of the procedure are not worth it (however, the risks are minimal, 1% chance of a stroke).
This week we sought out a third opinion and visited with a cardiac surgeon. He understood both arguments and basically stayed right in the middle. He explained that a surgeon’s mentality is to "fix" things. However, he admitted that the cardiologist made some great points. He did say that this was a decision we did not have to make anytime soon. Eventually, he said that he would defer to the cardiologist since he is the one that would actually do the procedure and understands the risks.
So, we still do not know what we will do. We are going to see all three doctors again to make sure they all are still thinking the same thing. We will then see how we feel and spend time in prayer. The good news is that this is not something we need to decide on tomorrow.
Please keep Rachel in your prayers as she needs to have peace of mind about this situation.
Rachel has a tiny hole (actually it is a flap) in her heart. Our neuro-surgeon thinks the infection (strep) in Rachel's blood leaked through this tiny hole and instead of being filtered out in the pulmonary system, traveled directly to her brain and started to grow. This "flap" only opens when the pressure in the heart changes (i.e. coughing, straining, etc...). So the fact that this infection traveled through this "flap" is extremely rare. The odds are 1 in millions this would happen...but it did, according to our neuro-surgeon. So he wants this "flap" closed. The "flap" can be closed with minimal invasiveness by going through her leg with a catheter.
Our cardiologist (who would actually would do the procedure) does not think it is necessary. He states that we are only guessing that the infection traveled to her brain through this "flap," and he only likes to work with facts. If Rachel got the infection from the dentist than the infection could have traveled right to her brain from the mouth, so the "flap" is irrelevant. Also, Rachel has probably had infections in her blood before and they have never gotten to her brain. He thinks that the chances of this happening again are so rare that the risks of the procedure are not worth it (however, the risks are minimal, 1% chance of a stroke).
This week we sought out a third opinion and visited with a cardiac surgeon. He understood both arguments and basically stayed right in the middle. He explained that a surgeon’s mentality is to "fix" things. However, he admitted that the cardiologist made some great points. He did say that this was a decision we did not have to make anytime soon. Eventually, he said that he would defer to the cardiologist since he is the one that would actually do the procedure and understands the risks.
So, we still do not know what we will do. We are going to see all three doctors again to make sure they all are still thinking the same thing. We will then see how we feel and spend time in prayer. The good news is that this is not something we need to decide on tomorrow.
Please keep Rachel in your prayers as she needs to have peace of mind about this situation.