Location: Rochester Hills, Michigan, United States

I love spending time with friends and family (especially my wife Rachel and daughters Abbey and Julia).

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Church in the Falls, Ohio

Rachel, Abbey and I will be in Ohio this weekend at Church in the Falls! This is a special place to us as we called it our church home for a little over a year (May 2001-August 2002) while coaching at Kent State Univ. We will be doing a condensed version of our Pepperdine presentation during the bible class hour and I will be preaching at the worship service. I believe it is "friends Sunday," so it will be exciting!

Rachel and I miss Church in the Falls and we are looking forward to introducing Abbey to so many of our good friends! I know there is no such thing as a "perfect church" but Rachel and I think it's close!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could tell you how much your presentatioin yesterday during both class and the worship service meant to me. Psalm 150. Thank you so much for taking the time to come back. I held my kids and my wife a little tighter after hearing you speak. Klint, God is working through you and it is apparent that the Holy Spirit is doing some great work through you and your family. Love you and wish I was as transparent as you are in your walk.

9:16 AM  
Blogger Klint Pleasant said...

Thanks so much for the kind words. It was such a blessing to be back at Church in the Falls. Comments like yours encourage me to keep telling the it is not always easy.

8:49 PM  

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