Klint Pleasant's Blog

Location: Rochester Hills, Michigan, United States

I love spending time with friends and family (especially my wife Rachel and daughters Abbey and Julia).

Monday, November 03, 2008

I've Come Full Circle

I still remember sitting in my apartment in Abilene, TX. I was living in University Park #711... must have been 19 years old. My Dad suggested I read a book; "Six Hours One Friday" by Max Lucado. I bought it at the ACU bookstore...actually I think I put it on my account which little did my Dad know he was picking up at the end of the semester. I went back to room opened it up and began to read. I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning. I didn't put it down until I was finished. It completely changed my life. For the first time in 19 years...I understood the Gospel and believed that Jesus loved me. And I decided right then and there that I would be a serious Christ follower.

Well, from that point on I read every word of every Lucado book that was published. I even knew the exact date the newest book would be released and a few times was at Family Christian Bookstore the morning of the release waiting for the doors to open. I drank deeply from those books as they shaped my faith.

I guess that ended about 8 years ago. The last Lucado book I remember reading was "In The Grip of Grace." They became a little to "fluffy" for me as I began to opt for N.T. Wright, Henri Nouwen, Barbara Brown Taylor, C.S. Lewis, Kathleen Norris, Ann Lamont and Walter Bruggeman. Again, books that I have drank deeply from as my faith has been on the anvil again and again.

However, this past weekend I had a reunion of sorts with my old friend Max. He came to Rochester College and spoke at our annual Fall banquet. He were able to visit a few minutes as we became acquaintances when I was coaching at ACU (he called me one day and asked me to recruit his daughters boyfriend). I, of course, returned his call and we stayed in touch via email for the next two years.

His message was amazing and it reminded me of why I appreciated him so much. He simply reminded me of the Gospel...and how much God loves me. And as he talked about Lk. 24 and the two men on the road to Emmaus that Jesus encountered...I too felt my heart warm as he shared the simple yet powerful story of the Gospel.

Praise God for the "fluffy" messages that bring people to Jesus again and again.

Thanks Max...I've come full circle.